How members of SHARP NGO get benefitted?
Promotion and development of SHARP involves four main strategies:
For promoting the concept of school health advocacy to create awareness among policy makers the general population training and academic institutions the community parents schools and students is very important.Advocacy to achieve a common understanding of the concept its trengths strategies and priority action areas is required. Consensus on goals strategies plans of action and resources need to be built.
Partnerships and Alliances
The multiple factors which affect the health status of school children as well as teachers and school personnel demand an intersectional action. Building a sustainable partnership between the focal ministries of education and health and other sectors such as environment urban and town planning finance and economic planning NGOs and the private sector should be a priority.Alliances with professional bodies unions associations and private companies would not only provide the necessary platform for advocacy but also help mobilize the necessary resources. For reflective school health promotion communities and schools should necessarily be partners in this Endeavour
Strengthening national and local capacity
Capacity building by necessity should be at all levels from the national level to the schools in communities. The capacity and capability of health promotion advocates to promote health through schools is an important requirement. Health promoters need to be trained among others in research documentation and dissemination of success stories.
Orientation of policy makers training of teachers community leaders and school leadership could ensure their active participation in needs assessment programmed planning monitoring and evaluation.
Development of appropriate guidelines manuals and tools are necessary to support capacity building.
Research monitoring and evaluation
Effective sensitive programs are built on good baselines data. Programs should be designed to have a research and evaluation component that helps in constantly monitoring and fine tuning the programs.
Appropriate methodologies guidelines protocols and tools for situation analysis and monitoring of planning and implementation processes as well as evaluation are crucial requirements. Evaluation is crucial requirements. Evaluation and documentation of programs should be used as tool to legitimize the cause of health promoting