Adolescent Girls Menstrual Health and Hygiene
SHARP, in association with Johnson and Johnson, are starting project ‘PARICHAY’ for adolescent girls on menstrual health and hygiene in Delhi. This project is already going on in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; we plan to expand into more states.
To impart accurate and reliable information to adolescent girls on topics identified as important to their health & well-being, it often being ...

A significant contribution in the growth of the country -We do our bit.
Targeting 26 villages and 33 schools, health camps and sessions are helping people to make informed health choices. We have been advocating various issues that have brought change in the behaviour of people towards their health. In association with Chambal Fertilisers, SHARP NGO has been running a Comprehensive Health Care Program in Kota District of Rajasthan for the past three years.
The programme in its initial stages engaged stakeholders to participate and gathering ...

Doing our bit in reducing the hearing deficits
Of 133.92 crore population of India, about 63 Million people suffer from significant hearing loss. Hearing disability was 2nd most common cause of disability & top most cause of sensory deficit. In urban areas the loss was 9% of all disability & in rural areas, it was 10%. Many people can’t afford the treatment or even the check-up.
The unit of ...

Eat Iron, Kick Anemia!
Iron: It was good enough for Iron Man, it’s good enough for you! Eat Iron, Kick Anemia!
Anemia is a global public health problem affecting both developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. Recent data as per National Family Health Survey-4 shows that anemia affects 53% of women in reproductive ...

What do you choose?
Destruction is a man’s will, Nevertheless Prevention is also a man’s will, Its a man’s choice to choose between Destruction and Prevention. What do you choose?
The WHO reconfirms that several Indian cities have become death traps because of very high level of PM2.5 (particulate matter less than 2.5 micron size). Of the 20 most polluted cities ...

Celebrating 20 years of technology & innovation at SHARP NGO!!
In the early 1998, when most of the organizations working for health benefits were steeped in paper, a handful of highly progressive healthcare providers at NGO SHARP embarked on the journey to implement a computer-based health record for Delhi school children as a pilot (coverage at “The Hindu” newspaper). Envisioning the benefits of electronic health records 21 years back the organization finally came in the picture in 1999. Since then there was no TURNING BACK!! Read More

Street Art as a Powerful Communication Mirror

Increase in Vision: Brings a Ray of Hope
“Our Eyes are made up of over 200 million working parts. Each Eye contain 107 million cells and all are light sensitive”
Proper vision and healthy eyes are necessary for proper and timely growth; visual problems can lead to developmental and cognitive delays.

“When I give up on hunger, vegetable germinates and life continuesâ€
About one-third of the world’s population suffer from one or more deficiency of micro-nutrient. In India food insecurity is a major problem with nearly 195 million undernourished people sharing a quarter of global hunger burden despite the achievement of national food self-sufficiency. Nearly 47 million people i.e. 4 out of 10 children in India are not meeting their full human potential because of chronic under nutrition or stunting. Due to this malnutrition problem, children suffer ...

Background of the problem– Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences (American Psychiatric Association). Gaming addiction is becoming a major public health issue, preceding over other interests and daily activities which affects other lifestyle disorders. Worldwide there are 90% of children who play video games with an average age of a gamer being 30 years (ted talk on “your brain on ...

We all are aware of how sensitive our eyes are, but are we taking enough care? Imagine your life without your eyes. It’s scary, isn’t it? Our eyes are such an important part of our human body, and they help us to explore beautiful things around us, and yet, we sometimes, take our eye care for granted.
According to a recent survey, India is home to 40% of the world&...

Nurturing through support & trust
Daulati Kumari is a thirteen year, non-school going regular young girl coming from an economically underprivileged background from village Jalapur, Tekari. Education is not considered important, particularly for girls in many parts of the country. The idea stems from the orthodox practice of restricting women to the house.
Because of lack of education, many girls in rural areas fail to understand the importance of nutrition and good health as they are ...

“Jaldi khao! Bus aa gayi he!”
These are the words of a typical Indian mother rushing her child in the morning. Little does she know that her child is rushing through the most important meal of the day; sometimes even missing it to catch the bus to school. As children, parents, employees and employers, we often wake up running late in the morning and substitute breakfast with just fruits, carbohydrate ...
Agriculture forms an integral part of Indian history, from the days of the Indus Valley civilization to even modern day era, and forms an integral part of Indian lifestyle ...
Advocating SDG 6 & Swachh Bharat with Project PUSHTi
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene: Advocating SDG 6 & Swachh Bharat with Project PUSHTi
The Government Secondary School in Ramgarh is located at an hour’s distance from the Patiala district of Punjab. More than half of the school’s attendees are girls, but over 50% of them drop out by the time they hit puberty. There is one toilet for boys ...

Answering India’s School Health problems
Answering India’s School Health problems with Technology and Intervention during COVID-19 imposed Lockdown.
There is no doubt that the situation of lockdown for India came at the worst time possible. Already battling with economic slowdown, grappled by inexplicable poverty and looming hunger, the Indian man swallowed the news of a sudden nationwide lockdown with his dinner on the night ...
Act Early, Curb Substance Abuse in Adolescents!
Adolescence is a tender age with major biological growth and social role transition. Studies have revealed it to be the most stressful age due to increased competition in education and employment, changes in one’s identity; physically, mentally, and emotionally, that leads to experimentation, exploration, and often to substance use and abuse. Adolescents also get easily attracted to smoking because of peer pressure, the influence of shows/movies and characters, or simply ...
Promoting Sustainable Development with Project PUSHTi
When the concept of sustainable communities emerged, its ideation was very different from what it is now. Our decade saw a dire need to recognize Sustainable Cities and Communities and the same also found an echo in SDG Goal 11, which was conceptualized at the United Nations Conference back in 2012.
Since then, the components of Sustainable Communities have started to loosely revolve around inclusivity, safety, design, built, connectivity and socio-economic adaptability. But sustainability ...
It’s raining heavily in a small slum dwelling in Southern Delhi. Under a dilapidated leaking roof, seven years old Priya is shivering while holding her younger sister in arms, making the infant cozy with her body. The eldest of all five siblings, Priya lives with her parents in Safdarjung. Her father is a gardener in a money plant farm and her mother does petty chores like sewing torn clothes roadside. The last ...
How to intervene at a young age?
The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) has been striving to provide services with universal coverage and equitable distribution for all Indian citizens regardless of income level, social status, gender, caste or religion. With this view in mind, one of the priority areas for action is EARLY DETECTION, EARLY INTERVENTION & EARLY EDUCATION. One way of ...

School Health Check-Ups
How the member of SHARP NGO get benefitted?
Promotion and development of SHARP involves four main strategies:
For promoting the concept of school health advocacy to create awareness among policy makers the general population training and academic institutions the community
Advocacy to achieve a common understanding of the concept its trengths strategies and priority action areas is required. Consensus on goals strategies plans of action and resources ...